Chances are you go between having them in the morning and the night, depending on what your schedule is like.
But what’s the best time to have one — morning or night?
For some, the answer is simple: morning, duh.
Aside from the obvious benefits of looking well for the day and not having hair that’s stuck to your head, a shower in the morning can apparently help you if you have a stressful work week ahead.
According to Greatist, the shower is an ideal place to begin problem-solving for the day ahead, because it facilitates an “incubation period”.
“If you were to come up with a problem that you wanted to solve creatively, and you were working and working on it and couldn’t come up with a solution, then you could put it on the back burner of your mind and allow it to stew there while unconscious processes mull it over,” Carson says.
These processes work best in the shower because it’s a place where you enter into a relaxed but still alert alpha brain wave state, Carson explains.
Aside from the positive side-effects for your productivity, a morning shower is also ideal for if you:
- Cut yourself shaving. (Your body produces more clot-forming platelets in the morning meaning you’ll recover quickly from any cuts sustained while shaving.)
- Need help waking up in the morning.
On the other hand…
Some people are devoted to night showers.
Night showers have one clear advantage over morning showers: they allow you to sleep in the next morning without having to worry about showers, drying hair, etc.
But there are other benefits associated with night showers.
For example, if you have trouble sleeping, a warm shower before you go to bed can regulate your body temperature and help your body get ready for sleepy time.
Plus, having a shower before you go to bed gets rid of all the grime your pores have accumulated during the day, and can help prevent flare-ups.
The dirt and oil that come from environmental pollutants (like the lovely grime you come in contact with on the subway) can clog your pores if you don’t shower before hitting the hay.
What is the optimum time to shower?